The Premium features may stop working if you change your device, or factory reset it. In either case, you need to reactivate your license - in this article, we will explain how to troubleshoot activation issues.
Unable to use your purchased features?
Before you proceed, please make sure that the Sygic app is up to date. To update the app, please follow the steps from the How to update article. If it doesn’t help, proceed with the troubleshooting steps below.
Activating Premium Lifetime, or a Premium+ subscription
You can activate paid products for Sygic by following the steps in these two articles below:
Activating Premium+ purchased on Android
Activating Premium+ purchased on iOS
You can check your active licenses by going to Menu → Sygic Store → All your licenses (Android) or Restore/manage purchases (iOS) - if you have your premium lifetime and/or Premium+ subscription listed here, then it is activated.
If it is not active, proceed wth the steps below.
Sygic store unavailable
If there is a connection issue present in the app, please follow the instructions from the article Maps or Sygic Store doesn’t load.
Contacting support
If nothing helped and you cannot activate and use your paid product, please submit a request with the following data, so that we may assist you more effectively:
- Device code
- Device model
- Previous device model if you changed devices recently
- Receipt for your past purchase (you don't have to send it immediately, have it ready please for when asked by support)
Please note that our support team is obliged to require a receipt for your past purchase if we cannot find any purchase records under the email you are contacting us from.
(you will find most of this info through the Menu → Settings → Info → About)